Looking to remodel your basement? We will help you figure out the cost of your basement finishing project and navigate...
Proudly serving Minnesota and Wisconsin - including Duluth, Minneapolis, Eau Claire and nearby areas
Looking to remodel your basement? We will help you figure out the cost of your basement finishing project and navigate...
What are ice dams and how can they be prevented from forming on your home?
DBS had the opportunity to sit down with Jim Kojola of Maple Lake, MN to review his Foundation Repair project...
Have you noticed your cabin foundation settling into the ground? Learn how helical piers could help permanently lift and stabilize...
To learn more about our new air purification product, read on!
Check out this blog to figure out what causes damage to your foundation, and what you can do to fix...
Why should you repair your concrete instead of replacing it? Check out this blog to learn why!
What Causes Concrete to Crack and Sink? Sinking concrete is caused by soil that is washed away beneath the surface, leaving...
What causes foundation failure? What should I look for? How much is it going to cost to fix my foundation?...
DBS helical piers offer permanent support to sinking structures. Our foundation repair crews are trained to stabilize cabins, decks, and...
DBS Design Specialist James Miller talks with WDIO local news about what local Duluth and surrounding area residents, can do...
Last week, our team was in full Valentine's mode. Folks are missing family and friends a lot this year so...
A garage is a place where everything happens. Projects, vehicle repair, graduation parties, you name it! The DBS Garage Finishing...
The crawl space beneath your feet dictates the health of your entire home or cabin. Musty smells, sagging or bouncing...
At this point in the season, many homeowners are noticing cold floors, drafty rooms, and high energy bills. What can...
Most crawl spaces are under-insulated. Protect your home's air quality and get warmer floors without higher heating bills. Encapsulate your...
Whether you've just noticed a crack in your wall for the first time, or you've slowly seen it grow from...
As we settle into winter, there are new weather patterns that impact the soil - and subsequently your home's foundation!...
The DBS family typically gathers at least once quarterly as a company. We recently held our Quarter 3 wrap-up meeting...
Concrete cracked and sunken? If you're considering mudjacking, think again! DBS uses PolyLevel, a strong, expanding foam that lifts and...