Air Sealing

Air Sealing Near Eau Claire, Minneapolis, & Nearby

Air leaking into houseDBS provides air sealing and testing services in the MN and WI area. As a home energy efficiency expert, we will help you determine the best ways to seal air leaks that exist in your ducts, windows, attic, and elsewhere in the home.

If you've ever left a window open in your home during the winter, you're well aware of how much heat is lost through the opening. On top of that, you're probably braced for the worst when the utility bills arrive, as the furnace has been needlessly using up extra fuel to maintain the temperature.

What many homeowners do not realize is that it's not uncommon for a home to have the equivalent of an open window's worth of air leakage, even when every window is shut tightly.

We find and seal the hidden air leaks in your Duluth Superior Area house

Heat can find its way out of the home through a wide variety of gaps, cracks, and holes in all parts of the house. Our team of experts can assess your home, identify any leaks, and recommend solutions to seal them.

Stop drafts & put an end to discomfort: Schedule a free estimate in MN & WI

DBS can locate and seal air leaks in Minnesota and Wisconsin homes. If you're interested in our comprehensive home energy efficiency solutions and want to seal air leaks to save you money, call or e-mail us today!

We proudly offer our services in and around Minneapolis, Eau Claire, St. Cloud, and more!

Air leakage wastes money and reduces indoor air quality

Understanding the "Stack Effect" - The laws of convection cause warm air in your house to rise up. As it rises, it moves up through the attic, passing through dozens of cracks and openings there. As this air is lost, new air is pulled in from the crawl space, basement, and outside, only to be heated again and lost again. This cycle of air ex-filtrating from the top and infiltrating from the bottom is known as the "stack effect".

Small Air Leaks Mean Big Money! - When houses leak air, you're left continuously paying to heat, cool, and dehumidify air from the outside. Air leaks are an enormous waste of energy, and they make it much more costly to keep your house comfortable.

Air Sealing Your Home for Energy Savings

High energy bills and ice dams are some of the problems caused by air leakage and poor insulation in this cape house. Watch this video to see how the right air sealing and insulation methods can make your home comfortable and efficient.


How do air leaks form?

Dirt stains on fiberglass insulation are a clear sign of air leakage. It shows that the insulation is filtering the air leakage, and it traps dirt and dust the same way a furnace filter would. If you see dirt-stained insulation, you can be sure that your house is leaking air!

Joints = Air Leaks. How do air leaks form in a home? To begin with, your house is made from thousands of pieces and parts, including nails, wooden boards, framing, electrical wire, wall panels, pipes, and so on. Small gaps exist wherever one part of your house connects to another.

While a joint may be airtight when first installed, that may not always be the case. Wood can shrink, materials can expand and contract at different rates, and connections can come loose. Leaks can also be found in your ductwork, which is why duct sealing is another important factor in improving energy efficiency. Leakage points can form all over -- ones that should be sealed to save you money.

We fix the air leaks left by other contractors

Air leaks are built into the construction process as your house is being created. As soon as the framing crew finishes their work of nailing together your studs, joists, rafters, sheathing, and beams to create the house shell, a team of other workers march in and begin to cut it apart.

Electricians, HVAC contractors, and plumbers will drill and saw their way through, creating channels for the wires, heating ducts, water lines, and waste pipes that need to be run through the house.

The holes that are created don't compromise your home's strength, but they do result in a network of leakage points that can let air out, and in.

Contractors cause air leaks in Hibbing homes

Gaps in your home can be small, such as the ones found around an electrical outlet in an exterior wall. However, large openings are also common, such as the ones created by plumbers in floors and framing as they install pipes, or the long gaps like the one created when a cantilever soffit does not meet the exterior wall in an airtight connection.

Air sealing is just as important as insulation: We seal air leaks before installing insulation in your attic or home

Air Sealing In Minnesota and Wisconsin

There are many air leaks where heat from your house can leak out of the house into the attic. If you insulate the attic, or any other part of the home, without air sealing first, the air will just leak right through the insulation! Insulation does not stop air flow! To make matters worse, now all the air leaks are buried underneath all the insulation, making them harder to reach.

Air sealing should always be done before and with insulation! DBS can inspect your home and perform the proper air sealing as well as upgrade your home insulation.

Common places that need to be sealed:

  • Around pipes and Wires
  • Around Chimney
  • Duct Chases
  • Between framing and drywall at the top of walls
  • Can lights
  • Pull down stairs and scuttle holes
  • Rim joists and sill plates
  • Sump pump holes
  • Basement windows
  • Windows and doors
  • Under sinks- plumbing penetrations
  • Bath fans
  • Whole house fans
  • And many, many other places!

Air sealing is an easy way to save money on energy bills

DBS says...

Professionally air sealing your home can reduce its heating and cooling utility bills by 20% or more!

The good news: Home air sealing is a "once-and-done" lifetime repair. There's nothing to maintain or replace once the process is complete. All that's left to do is enjoy the savings and comfort for as long as you own your home!

Sealing air leaks that appear in a home's building envelope is a process called "Air Sealing". When applied to a home, it increases the comfort and energy efficiency of the home, while decreasing fuel bills.

However, finding and sealing air leaks is much easier said than done. Locating these air leaks requires special equipment, training, and access to parts of the house a homeowner would generally not be able to (or want to) reach.

Once the sources have been located, it's also important to select the best products and practices to properly air seal these areas.

No more leaks! - For many air sealing tasks, DBS recommends two-part foam. The mixture leaves the nozzle in liquid form, expanding rapidly to fill and adhere inside cracks and gaps. As it cures, the foam will create a barrier that is both airtight and functional as insulation.

Enjoy a comfortable home for less with air sealing and insulation installation in MN and WI

Call 1-218-525-0720 or contact us online to schedule a free home inspection and air sealing and insulation installation estimate.

We are your trusted air sealing contractor serving Duluth, Superior, Minneapolis, and the surrounding areas!

Looking for a price? Get a no cost, no obligation free estimate.

our service area

We serve the following areas

  • Brownsville
  • Caledonia
  • Canton
  • Dakota
  • Eitzen
  • Fountain
  • Harmony
  • Hokah
  • Houston
  • La Crescent
  • Lanesboro
  • Lewiston
  • Mabel
  • Minnesota City
  • Peterson
  • Preston
  • Rollingstone
  • Rushford
  • Spring Grove
  • Utica
  • Winona
Our Locations:

DBS Residential Solutions, Inc.
5116 Jean Duluth Road Suite 300
Duluth, MN 55803

DBS Residential Solutions, Inc.
6900 Shady Oak Rd Suite #120
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
DBS service area
Service Area
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