Insufficient Attic Insulation in Makinen, MN
This home in Makinen, MN was suffering from insufficient insulation. The house was losing air from the attic and the owners wanted to address the problem.

SprayFoam Insulation Needed in Makinen, MN Attic
A DBS Design Specialist visited the home in order to conduct a free, no-obligation estimate. They recommended our SprayFoam insulation solution.

Unwanted Cracks Need Air Sealing in Makinen, MN Attic
A Foreman and the team began the installation by removing the old batting insulation. This exposes any holes or cracks that may be contributing to poor energy efficiency.

Benefits of SprayFoam Insulation
SprayFoam insulation is able to air seal the unwanted cracks and holes in the attic. It also creates a moisture barrier for the space, all while providing great insulation for the attic.

Energy Efficiency Created in Makinen, MN
These homeowners can now relax in their energy-efficient and comfortable home.