Old Insulation to be Removed and Replaced
Our team will remove the attic's existing insulation and replace it with TruSoft cellulose.

Access to the Attic Will Also Be Sealed
Attic accesses like these ones need to be sealed in order to stop conditioned air from escaping via the attic.

Old Insulation System Removed
Our team cleaned the old, musty insulation for the space and will begin air sealing.

New Insulation for Sturgeon Lake Lodge
After some issues with pests in the attic, the owners wanted to re-insulate the space.

Can Light Cover
Lighting fixtures are a huge source of air leakage and should be properly sealed. Our team installed this can light cover and will seal it with spray foam.

Air Sealing of Roof Deck and Fixtures
Our team applies a thin layer of closed-cell spray foam to air seal and insulate the attic floor. This is done primarily to prevent air from leaking into the attic.

Tru-Soft™ cellulose Resistant to Mold and Pests
This thick blanket of cellulose will provide excellent protection during winter months.

Air Sealed and Ready for Cellulose
Our team uses a paper gauge to measure the amount of cellulose we install.

Spray Foam Protects Attic from Air Leaking
Air leaking is a top contributor to energy loss in your home or cabin.