Foundation Wall Pushing Inward in Saxon, WI
This side of the home's foundation is leaning inwards, due to shifting and unstable soils.

Bowing Basement Wall in Saxon, WI
This basement wall was leaning inward. The homeowners were looking for a permanent solution and reached out to DBS for an estimate for the work.

Leaning Wall in Saxon, WI
Shown here is the bowing wall in Saxon, WI. Our team will stabilize the wall and install a system that can pull the wall to its original position over time.

Wall Anchors to Be Installed
Our team will install earth anchors, taking care of the basement wiring and utilities.

Wall Anchors Have a Low Profile
Our wall anchors take up very little space once installed and lie flat against the basement foundation walls.

Can Restore Wall Positions Over Time
Once tightened, the anchors will hold the wall securely in its current position without any further adjustment. A unique benefit of the system includes the ability to tighten the anchors during dry seasons, meaning you can improve and even completely straighten your walls over time.

Earth Anchors Install
Our foundation repair crew has dug a trench in the yard for the GeoLockā¢ Earth Anchors. These anchors connect to the Wall Plates inside the home and help pull the wall back into a vertical position.

Earth Anchors Positioned in Stable Soil
The earth anchors are installed in the ground away from the foundation. They are connected to the wall plates on the interior basement walls with long, galvanized steel rods.

Saxon, WI Home Stabilized with GeoLock Systems
GeoLock earth plates are connected to earth anchors on the exterior of the home via long, galvanized rods. They are tightened to push the wall outwards, and into a level position.

Basement Walls Stabilized in Saxon, WI
Our team completed the installation of the GeoLockā¢ Wall Anchor System. These walls are now protected against further movement.

Earth Anchors Concealed After Install
Our foundation repair team covers the trenches again with soil to conceal the earth anchors.