Cracks in Ceilings
Having even small hairline cracks in a ceiling can be a big indicator that there is a foundation problem lurking in the home.

Stair-Step Cracks in Brickwork
The brick exterior of this home shows the stairstep cracks that have been formed and patched over time.

Basement Cracks Between Blocks
We see in basement how the stairstep cracks have formed between individual blocks.

Close Inspection
Upon close inspection we see how far the shifting bricks have moved from their original positon.

Shifting foundations often lead to sliding windows not functioning properly. This photo shows a great example of why this happens. We can see the stairstep crack leading up to the window where it then provides slanted support or even pressure on the window. If the window is unevenly supported or being pushed upon in certain areas the window will become difficult to slide up and down.

More Drywall Cracks
Cracks in the drywall due to foundation problems often occur in the ceiling and at the corners of doorways among other places.

Window Issues
If you're having problems with windows not sliding properly it might not be the window that's at fault. Before you replace the window it would be smart to have one of our specialists do a free inspection of the foundation to see if there is an underlying problem.

A Patch Fix Isn't Permanent
Patching stair-step cracks like these will not provide a permanent solution. If this is the solution being used the problem will most likely get much worse with time.