SmartJack Lifting
We replaced the old support beam with a new one.

PowerBrace and SmartJacks
The crawlspace after we were down with the project.

PowerBrace Wall
we replaced the failed wall with our advanced wall support system for new structural foundation.

Rim Joist Spray Foam
The home owner also complained about drafty rooms, so we went ahead and sealed off the rim joists using our spray foam insulation.

Multiple SmartJacks on Main Beam
Since this crawlspace was a long and spacious one, we had to install multiple support beams to support the home.

Leveling Support Jack
Making sure the home is level for the support.

Original Main Beam Support
As you can see, this is not a safe or very supportive beam for a home.

Failed Wall
This wall fell and was causing the foundation to become unstable throughout the whole home.

Another Wall Failure
A second wall in the crawlspace was also failing due to poor settling.

Leaning Support Beams
A long with the failing walls, the homeowners support beams were in the verge of failure.

Failing Foundation
This wall is in desperate need of repair.

Leaning Support Beam
This crawlspace was on the verge of collapse.

Rotting Beam
One of the main beams was rotting due to the humidity and wear overtime.

Support Beams Holding Moisture
The beams were holding moisture at the bottom, which overtime can cause rotting and beam failure.

Wall Failure
This wall is on the verge of failing.

Standing Water
There was standing water at the back of the crawlspace.

This is a part of the crawlspace that goes to the deck area of the home.

Another Part of the Crawlspace
A more spacious and secure part of the crawlspace.