Sunken Concrete Leading Into Garage
The concrete had sunken far enough that it had become a nuisance for the homeowner.

Sinking Concrete
This concrete pathway was once level, but as you can see, it has started to tilt in one direction.

Concrete Sunken to Different Degrees
The concrete slabs in front of each of these garage openings have both sunken to different levels. Fortunately with polylevel we're able to accurately lift the individual slabs to their proper resting place.

Sunken By Inches!
We're able to raise slabs that have sunken quite dramatically, so the few inches this slab has sunken is no problem for DBS Residential Solutions.

AFTER! Concrete Lifted
This concrete section has not been lifted back to its original level position. It will allow everyone to enter and exit the garage with out any annoying bumps.

Level Driving Surface
No more problems to be had with this new level driving surface.

Lifting the Walkway Entering the Home
The sidewalk leading to the home was also quite slanted, especially near the front door.

Sunken Concrete by a Front Entrance
The concrete here had not sunken as dramatically as it had by the garage, but this was still creating a problem for the homeowner.

AFTER! Raised Concrete Slab for Home Entrance
This concrete sidewalk was raised right back to its level position quickly and can be used within minutes.