Lower Level Coat Room Prone to Leaking in Hibbing, MN
This church congregation had issues with water in their lower level. One area that was affected was a large coat room area. Discoloration on the back wall is a symptom of prolonged water exposure.

Water Damage Beneath Stairs
The discoloration and chipping paint here is evidence of water exposure.

Water Damage in Utility Room
Water intrusion in this utility room was putting the HVAC system in jeopardy.

Existing Sump Pump in Basement
Upon inspection of the basement's existing sump pump, it was determined that something more substantial was needed to protect the entire basement. The new drain tile will direct all water into a new TripleSafe™ sump pump.

WaterGuard® Perimeter Drain Tile
Our team installed WaterGuard® in short sections in order to accompany the curved foundation wall.

WaterGuard® Install in Process
After laying the drain tile, our team used drainage matting as well as a gravel layer to allow for the proper distribution of water into the drain system.

Concrete Poured
After the drain is properly installed, it is sealed with concrete.

Waterproofing System in Hibbing, MN
Water intrusion damaged this basement floor. With a proper drain installed around the basement perimeter, water will now be lead to a basement sump pump instead of pooling on the floor.

WaterGuard® Surrounds Entire Basement in Hibbing, MN
Designed to capture water seepage through walls and leaks along the wall and floor joint, this drain system will effectively capture wall and floor seepage before it reaches the basement floor.

Utility Room Now Protected Against Water
Our team installed sections of drain tile around the cement footings of basement utilities.

Circular Foundation Wall Fit with Drain Tile
Our crew fit this entire lower level with drain tile, including several areas of rounded foundation walls.