Exterior of Remer, MN Home Before
Our crew will install an exterior french drain system as well as seal the foundation to prevent water from reaching the home's interior.

Water Damage Seen on Foundation Blocks
After water evaporates, it leaves a white residue called efflorescence. It's not harmful, but it is an indicator of water seepage.

Remer, MN Basement Before
This wall will be covered with a vapor barrier and fit with a drain below the concrete.

CleanSpace® and WaterGuard® Work Together
Our CleanSpace® vapor barrier was installed on the walls and directs water seepage into the WaterGuard® drainage system below.

Site of the New Sump Pump
Our crew will fit this basin to support a new sump pump as well as fit the space with CleanSpace® vapor barrier.

DoubleSafe™ Sump Pump Installed
Water collected in the drain system is directed to this DoubleSafe™ sump pump.

Waterproofing Around the Basement Perimeter in Remer, MN
To guarantee a dry basement, it is important to install a drain system around the entire perimeter of your below-grade space.

Soil Excavated
Our exterior waterproofing crew began their work by removing soil along the home's foundation.

SentrySeal® On Exterior
SentrySeal® waterproof membrane was installed to prevent moisture from seeping in via the foundation.

Back Fill and Tamp
After our products are installed, the crew back fills the area along the foundation, tamping the soil down.

Discharge Line
Our production team routed the discharge line out of the home and buried it underground, at a safe distance from the home's foundation.