Basement Bathroom
This is the additional bathroom in the basement.

Flooring and Wall Panneling
The flooring and wall paneling we professionally installed. One a few more final steps to finish it off.

Laundry Room Area
The area was re-done and the space is now a lot more enjoyable.

Utilities and Family Room
The additional room is now a place for the family to enjoy.

Waterproofed and Stabilized
The waterproofing system was installed and the foundation was stabilized with the power braces.

During Waterproofing System Installation
The corners and edges of the concrete flooring were jackhammered out and then a patented well proved system was put into place.

Stair Step cracks and Waterproofing system
The cracks in the wall show that the foundation is unstable. The waterproofing system is in the process of being installed.

Jack-Hammered area for sump
This section of the cement was jack hammered out to properly install the sump pump.

Power Braces Installed
The power braces were professionally installed with wide footing to divert the pressure of the foundation.

Power Brace System
The Power Brace system is also connected to beams running across the system.

Power Braces installed in Laundry Room
The laundry room was finished with the first two stages of waterproofing and stabilizing the foundation.