The wall before
This customer was experiencing problems with her foundation. We came in and installed a couple of geo lock wall anchors with coverings. Here is the wall before the work was started. (The wall had been removed by the customer due to the problem they were experiencing.)

A geo lock wall anchor at the opposite end
Here is a photo of the other end of the geo lock wall anchor. With geo locks you do not need to dig up the whole yard to install the product, you need one hole per anchor, and your yard can be spared a lot of dig up.

Almost finished
Here is what the geo lock wall anchors would look like (almost, this is the finishing touches stage where they tighten the anchor) when they were finished. A lot of people don't mind having the big metal plate in their basement, but if you do there is one more step you can take..

The end product
Here is the final photo of the geo lock wall anchors and the removable cover. When the anchors need tightened, remove the cover, tighten the anchor and replace the cover, hiding the big metal plate.