How We Found This Wall Insulation in a Brule, WI Home
Here is a picture of what we found when the walls were removed from this home in Brule, Wisconsin. This is not nearly enough insulation! You can also see how dirty the insulation looks: it should be yellow! It is not yellow because it improperly installed and air could easily pass through leaving dirt all over the insulation.

Dryer Vents Cause Problems in This Brule, WI Attic
We run into this issue a lot! Vents that should go through to the outdoors actually don't make it all the way out there! All the warm moist air is causing problems in this Brule, WI attic.

Brule, WI Home Shows a Dysfunctional Bathroom Vent
This bathroom fan should be vented to the outdoors. Instead, it is vented to the attic allowing all the warm, moist air to hover in the attic space. This causes mold, mildew and rot issues. Where does your fan vent to? Dr. Energy Saver can help!

Air Leaks in a in Brule, WI Attic
Here are some small areas where air leaks into the attic in this Brule, WI home. These holes might not seem like they cause that much of an issue, but take these holes and multiply them by 50 and you are losing the same amount of air you would lose if you left one of your windows wide open!

Air Leaks Around This Pipe
Here is another spot that had air moving freely around the pipe. This is a typical problem in almost every home in America. Many contractors will avoid such air leaks. We find them, seal them, and help improve your home's energy efficiency and comfort. Like we helped this homeowner in Brule, Wisconsin.