We Insulate Rooms Over Garages for Comfort & Efficiency
Take a look at this garage and the room above it. If you have a tuck-under garage, the room above it is almost always colder than the rest of the house. Is yours? Typically, the garage ceiling is improperly insulated, causing the unconditioned air to affect the conditioned air above it. This is called a cantilevered space. We insulate all the hard to reach areas that other companies ignore.

Another example of a cantilever
Imagine you could see through the walls of this home's cantilever, which is the jutting out section of the second floor. In a typical house you would see almost no insulation at all! The outside air sits right next to the floorboards, causing them to be cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Other "experts" avoid this space, we air seal and insulate it!

Air Sealed Brule, WI Attic Piping
Here is an after shot of what used to be open cracks around the pipes in this attic in Duluth, MN.

A not so hot sun room in Duluth MN
This sun room should be one of the warmer rooms in the house, right? You have all the windows, the sun beating in, should be warm. What happens if it is the room over the garage, or has nothing underneath it? Cantilevers and rooms above garages are typically cold due to poor insulation. With the sun beating in, and heat escaping through the floor boards, this room is not as comfortable as it would seem!