Photo Album: Basement Waterproofing, Sump Pump Installation in Minneapolis, MN
This homeowner was facing a leaky wall on the north side of their basement, especially under the stairs. They were only interested in waterproofing the north wall due to the inconvenience of doing the entire basement as they wished to rent out the basement of the home. We were able to install a WaterGuard along that north side wall, as well as a SingleSafe sump pump system, so the water could be directed to a safe discharge point outside the home. This targeted approach ensured that the north wall would remain dry and the basement could be rented out without any water issues.
Moldy, Wet Corner of the North Side Wall
This is where the SingleSafe will be installed!
WaterGuard System Installed Along the North Wall
Here is the WaterGuard System, which is buried underneath the concrete along the wall to help capture and redirect water to their SingleSafe.
SingleSafe Sump Pump Installed in Basement Floor
Here is what the SingleSafe Sump Pump looks like when it is installed into the basement floor!
WaterGurd System to SumpPump
Here is an angle of the WaterGuard System connecting to the SingleSafe Sump Pump