Basement Puddles in Northern MN
The owner of this home in Moutain Iron, MN reached out to us looking for help with their wet basement. As you can see, they were resorting to using newspaper to clean up puddles in the basement before contacting us.

Cracked Basement Walls
The homeowner was also concerned about cracks in their basement foundation walls. If you look toward the corner in this photo, you can see how the wall was bowing when this photo was taken.

Stair-Step Crack in Basement Walls
Stair-step cracks like this are signs of basement wall foundation failure and should be taken seriously. One of our Design Specialists came out to the home to run a free no-obligation estimate for the homeowner to determine how we can help them with their issues.

Basement Wall Repair Service in MN
After a thorough inspection, our Design Specialist created a quote for our Basement Waterproofing and PowerBrace® Wall Bracing System. One of our crews came out to install the system in the basement.

Basement Waterproofing in Mountain Iron, MN
Our crew installed our WaterGuard® french drain system in the basement along with a new sump pump to help ensure the basement stays drier during wet seasons.

Home Foundation Repair Company
The PowerBrace® system paired with the waterproofing products will help maintain a healthy, safe, and comfortable home for the owner and provide them with peace of mind!