Stair-Step Cracking Along the Bowing Wall
In this picture, the stair-step cracking is prominent along the wall. This is a common sign of wall failure in block foundations.

Cracked and Bowing Wall
This foundation wall was cracked and bowing prior to the installation of the GeoLock ™ Wall Anchors.

Block Foundation Wall Stair-Step Cracking
The built-up pressure on the block foundation wall from the expanding soil pushes in on the wall causing stair-step cracking.

Wall Anchor Measurements
Co-Foreman, Rowan Wentworth, took measurements on where best to place the GeoLock™ Wall Anchors

Wall Anchor Hole Placement
Here Co-Foreman, Rowan Wentworth, drills into the wall where the GeoLock™ Wall Anchor will be placed. Through this whole is where the steel rod will go to connect to the earth anchor to the wall anchor.

Placed Wall Anchors
Here the GeoLock™ Wall Anchors are placed and tighter to permanently stabilize the foundation wall.