Water Damage in Basement
This basement in Medford, WI needed help keeping water out of it. Notice the water damage shown in the image.

Leaking Wall Crack in Basement
Design Specialist Rich Johnsen captured this photo of a crack in the basement wall leaking water onto the basement floor, what a nuisance for the homeowner!

French Drain System Installation
Here is our WaterGuard® french drain system installed in the basement. The drains are installed around the perimeter of the basement to capture water seeping through the footings of the home. The drains are covered with engineered fill rock and concrete for a smooth finish. The concrete in this photo is still wet but when it dries it will match the rest of the slab for a smooth finish.

Basement Waterproofing Service
Here is another image of the WaterGuard® SYstem installed in this basement. There are sockets along the drain that can be opened in order to clean the system, ensuring that it continues to work properly.

Free Estimate on Basement Waterproofing
The crew also installed a new sump pump in the basement so that water can be collected and pumped up and away from the basement out through a discharge line. The sump pump is also equipped with a backup battery so that it can continue working in case the power goes out during a storm. If you are looking for a basement waterproofing system, reach out to us to set up your free no-obligation estimate!