Concrete Repair FREE Estimate
Design Specialist Justin Mundahl went out to this home in Comstock, WI to run a free estimate appointment for concrete repair.

Concrete Repair Service Near Comstock, WI
Check out the growth coming through the cracks that formed in their front walkway. Justin created a free quote for our PolyLevel® service for the homeowner after taking several measurements.

Sunken Concrete Garage Apron
Justin took this picture while running his free estimate. The concrete garage apron was 2.5" sunken into the soil.

Gap in Garage Apron
On the other end of the garage, the concrete had a gap of 3"!

Garage Apron Leveling
As you can see, the PolyLevel® raised the slab level with the garage floor, eliminating the tripping hazards and bringing peace of mind to the homeowner!