Bowing Walls
One of the symptoms our Design Specialists look for is bowing in the wall. Bowing occurs as soil pushes on the wall from the outside in. As the degree of bowing increases, so does the likelihood of cracks forming. In this picture, look to the far side of the wall and take note of how crooked it looks.

Signs of Water Damage
Another symptom that our Design Specialists look for is the white chalky substance shown in this photo called efflorescence. Efflorescence is what gets left behind after water evaporates. Water was able to penetrate this block wall foundation through cracks that had formed over time.

Failing Block Foundation
Here is another photo captured by our Design Specialist. Can you decipher which symptoms are shown in this angle? Our PowerBrace® System was installed on this site to combat bowing and prevent further cracks from forming.

Free No-Obligation Estimate on Foundation Repair
Another wall in the basement had signs of water, and you can actually see the damp spots where water was able to come in through. If your basement looks similar to this one in Boyceville, WI, give us a call to set up your free no-obligation estimate!

Crack Patterns Block Wall Foundations
Cracking is the clearest indicator of wall failure. Stair-step and horizontal cracks are common cracking patterns in block wall foundations. Vertical cracks are less common, but as you can see in this photo, they still happen!