Bowing Walls in Duluth, MN Basement Indicate Wall Failure
The owner of this home in Duluth, MN noticed that the cracks in their basement walls had grown worse over the years. The walls were heavily bowed inwards when they decided to reach out to DBS for a solution.

Fill Soil Around Duluth, MN Basement Causes Walls to Crack and Bow Inwards
This wall of the basement was bowed so heavily that a large horizontal crack formed in the middle. These issues are caused as the fill soil around the home expands during wet seasons and applies pressure against the walls until they are unable to support the weight.

PowerBrace™ Wall Bracing System Provides Permanent Stabilization to Basement Walls in Duluth, MN
The basement walls were causing concern for the homeowner and they decided to reach out to DBS in hopes of finding a solution. A DBS Design Specialist visited the property to conduct a free no-obligation estimate and recommended our PowerBrace™ System after a thorough inspection.

DBS Installs PowerBrace™ Wall Bracing System in Duluth, MN Basement
A DBS Foreman led the installation of this project with help from a team. Together they installed 5 PowerBrace™ i-beams to permanently stabilize the walls.

Duluth, MN Basement Permanently Stabilized with Help From DBS Solutions
Each PowerBrace™ i-beam was secured to the rim joists of the home and bolted to the basement slab. This ensures that each PowerBrace™ can provide proper support to the wall.

PowerBrace™ I-beams Affixed to Rim Joists with Steel Brackets to Ensure Wall Stabilization in Duluth, MN Basement
Near the rim joists, each i-beam is fixed with a steel bracket that can be tightened over time during dry periods in an attempt to straighten the wall back to its original position.

DBS Solves Cracked and Bowing Wall Issue in Duluth, MN Basement
Now that the basement walls have been stabilized, the homeowner can relax comfortably without worrying about their walls collapsing.