Water Damage Caused by Water Leaking from Basement Walls in Virginia, MN
This home in Virginia, MN was suffering from foundational and water issues. Cracks had formed in their basement walls over time and water was seeping through the cracks, causing water damage in their basement.

Leaky Cracked Walls Cause Mold Growth in Basement
Water damage is not only an eyesore, it causes unsafe conditions as it creates the perfect conditions for mold growth.

Shifting Fill Soil to Blame for Wall Cracking and Bowing in Virginia, MN
A symptom of foundation failure is cracking and bowed walls. This home's basement in Virginia, MN was suffering from deep cracks caused by shifting fill soil outside of the foundation over time.

Free Estimate to Investigate Deep Wall Crack Leaking Water Onto Basement Floor
The wall in this basement foundation suffered from a deep crack that leaked water onto the flooring. Design Specialist Henrik Makitalo went to the home to conduct a free estimate for the homeowners.

Basement Wall Cracks Stabilized with DBS PowerBrace™ Wall Bracing System
To solve the foundational issues in the basement, a DBS Foreman installed 16 PowerBrace™ I-beams to permanently stabilize the walls.

WaterGuard® French Drain System Waterproofing Solution Installed in Virginia, MN Basement
To solve the waterproofing issues in this home in Virginia, MN, a DBS Foreman installed a WaterGuard® french drain system. The drains were installed by jackhammering trenches around the perimeter of the basement and placing the drains inside. After the drains were installed the crew covered them in cement for a flush finish.

SingleSafe™ Sump Pump Installed to Protect Basement From Mold Growth
The WaterGuard® drain system directs water into a new SingleSafe™ sump pump that the crew installed. The SingleSafe™ pump will expel water up and away from the foundation, ensuring that the basement stays drier.

Virginia, MN Home Saved by Installing Waterproofing and Foundational Systems by DBS
Now that the home has been properly waterproofed and permanently stabilized, the homeowners can relax comfortably knowing that they are breathing cleaner air, and their foundation will not collapse.