Thorough Concrete Repair Inspections
Our concrete repair Design Specialists take thorough measurements to determine the best course of action to lift and level the slab.

Inches of Settlement in Minneapolis Sidewalk
Uneven sidewalks cause a host of concerns, including tripping and pooling water.

Garage Apron Sinking
The area between your garage and driveway is called the apron and is a common place for sinking and settling to occur.

1 inch of Settlement in Minneapolis Sidewalk
Concrete issues are typically a reflection of the soil beneath the slab. Soil settling and washout both cause voids to form beneath the sidewalk.

Lifted and Leveled Sidewalk Entrance in Minneapolis
Our team injected PolyLevel® beneath the slab to fill the voids and raise the sidewalk back to a level position.

PolyLevel Injected via Small Holes
Our team drills pea-sized holes into the concrete slab and injects the PolyLevel®. Once the slab is lifted, the holes are sealed with NexusPro.

Sidewalk Gaps Sealed with NexusPro
NexusPro® is a silicone-based sealant for joints and cracks specially engineered to provide long-lasting flexibility and to stand up to harsh weather conditions.

PolyLevel® Foam Beats Mudjacking
Our 2-part expanding foam is lightweight and won't weigh down soil like the slurry mix of mudjacking will.