DBS Offers a Solution for Sinking Sunroom
For small sinking structures like this sunroom in Prior Lake, DBS uses our helical piering system to transfer the building weight to stable soil.

Cracks at Windows and Doors Symptom of Foundation Failure
These Prior Lake homeowners began noticing small cracks on the interior of their home and attributed it to their sinking sunroom.

Leaning Sunroom Supports in Prior Lake, MN
As the vertical supports seen here have begun to shift and settle, so has the sunroom itself, causing concern for the homeowner.

Structurally Settlement is Common in All Types of Homes
After a home is constructed, changes in the surrounding soil are the primary cause of foundation settlement

Leaning Support Beam in Prior Lake
Our Design Specialist demonstrates a level position in comparison to the leaning wooden support.

Sticking Doors and Windows
The homeowners noticed cracking on the upper corner of this sliding glass door. The door itself became difficult to open and close due to the structure sinking over time.

DBS Crew Removes Concrete Sonotubes
Commonly, decks and smaller structures use poured concrete to support them. The problem is that over time, that heavy concrete settles and so does the structure it's supporting.

Pier Installed to Support Sinking Sunroom in Prior Lake, MN
Our team hydraulically drove this steel pier into the ground and attached it to the existing vertically support beam.

Middle Support Post Supported
This middle support beam is now fully holding the weight of the sunroom above.

Sunroom Corner is Lifted and Concrete is Patched
After the lift procedure was completed, our team finished by neatly patching the concrete.

Piering is Minimal Disturbance to Home's Landscaping
After installation, you'd hardly know we were there! Helical piers are installed quickly and with minimal disturbance to the lawn.

Middle Column Support and Rain Gutter Restored
Our team finished the concrete patch and replaced the rain gutter to its original location.

Sunroom Lifted Back to Level in Prior Lake, MN
Two helical piers were driven into the ground to support and lift this structure.

Steel Piers are Guaranteed for 25 years
Our piers are backed by a transferrable 25-year manufacturer's warranty. Galvanized steel won't corrode or rust, giving your home the utmost protection for years to come.