Shifting Foundation in Bayfield, WI
This cabin owner contacted DBS in order to find a permanent solution to their structural issues.

Sinking Supports Cause Uneven Floors
Our Design Specialist found that several of the cabin's concrete supports looked like this one.

Concrete Column is Rotating in Beneath Bayfield Cabin
It's common for foundation supports to shift after years of freezing and thawing ground soil.

Concrete Supports Shift Over Time
The concrete sonotube support seen here has begun to lean, comprising its ability to support the cabin.

Concrete is Bound to Sink and Settle
Concrete is heavy, no doubts about that. So when it is poured directly into the soil, it is bound to weigh on the soil and eventually settle. It is common that we see boards used to fill the gaps between the concrete and joist like in this photo.

Concrete Support Cracked in Bayfield, WI
Concrete is not immune to moisture. As the temperature rises and falls below freezing, cracks and damage to the concrete occur, as seen here.

DBS Will Install Two Support Systems
SmartJack® crawl space supports and HelixPro® piers will be installed to ensure the weight of the cabin is properly supported.

Helical Piers Driven into the Ground to Support Bayfield, MN Cabin
The DBS helical pier system is a great option for permanently stabilizing sinking structures like patios, sun rooms, cabins, and boat houses.

Galvanized Steel Rods Driven into the Ground
Our team hydraulically drives these steel piers into the ground until they reach weight-bearing soil.

Helical Piers Anchored to Wooden Supports
After the helical pier is successfully driven into the ground it is attached to outside beam seen here.

Drainage Matting Beneath the Cabin
This drainage matting will help prevent water from pooling beneath the cabin. Our SmartJack supports can be seen in the background of this photo, stabilizing the cabin floors.

Helical Piles Driven into the Ground Like Screws
Helical piers are twisted into place like a giant screw until they reach load-bearing strata.

Galvanized Steel that Won't Corrode or Rust
Our foundation support products are made from heavy-duty galvanized steel that will not corrode or rust with exposure to moisture.

Helical Piers and SmartJacks to Support Bayfield, MN Cabin
Our team installed 12 helical piers total to permanently stabilize this cabin.

Helical Piers Support Sinking Porch in Bayfield
Helical piers are a fantastic solution for supporting sinking porches.