After Photo Helical Pier System
This photo shows helical piers installed and hidden beneath the concrete.

Helical Piers Are Installed With A 25-Year Nationally-Backed Warranty
Our stabilization system is installed with a 25-year nationally-backed warranty.

Multiple Piers Work Together To Stabilize Sinking Foundation In Cook, MN
Helical piers work together to keep this Cook, MN foundation stable. This home was sinking when we arrived. 18 helical piers were installed to stabilize the sinking foundation.

Deep Foundation Cracks Were Present Before DBS Arrived
This photo shows how severe the cracking was on this cinder block foundation.

Shifting Foundation Problems Won't Get Better On Their Own!
This Cook, MN home was shifting and cracked when the customer called us. We fix homes like this all the time.

Helical Piering System In Cook, MN
This photo shows a helical piering system installed. It sits flush with the ground and will be completely hidden once installed.

Helical Piers Work Together To Stabilize
Helical piers are placed at different points along the perimeter of a home. They work together using hydraulic pressure to keep structures stable and level.

Galvanized System Is Rust Proof
Helical piers are composed of galvanized metals that will not rust due to a coating of Zinc that offers increased protection.

Helical Piers Can Be Installed In One Day
Helical piers are quick for our skilled foreman to install. Trevor and his crew installed 18 piers in three days on this project. Smaller projects can be completed in one or two day!

Changing Soil Pressure Causes Homes To Sink. Helical Piers Permanently Stabilize
Moisture, snowmelt, and rain cause soil to shift and move over time. Many homes in northern Minnesota have foundation problems due to our extreme weather conditions.