Closed-Cell Spray Foam Installed In Duluth, MN
Closed-cell spray foam is applied 3" inches thick and is airtight along the joists in this basement.

Draft Free Home Thanks To Proper Insulation Techniques
This home now has proper insulation along its rim joists, eliminating drafts in this home!

Tight Spaces? No Problem! Spray Foam Is A Custom Solution That Forms To Walls And Tricky Areas
Closed-cell spray foam is an effective solution for tight attics and crawl spaces. It does not have to be cut and fitted, which allows our production crews speed and precision when installing in tight areas like between joists.

Lower Humidity Thanks To Closed-Cell Spray Foam In Duluth, MN
Closed-cell spray foam reduces humid outdoor air entering during summer which means less condensation and humidity inside this home.

Before Photo - Exposed Walls
This crawlspace was a major contributor to the inefficiencies in the home. The ventilation combined with a lack of insulation allowed the cold winter air to penetrate the living spaces of this home.