Garage Walls Need Permanent Support
In our region, it's common for concrete and block foundation walls to shift. Freezing and thawing cycles cause soil to expand and contract, putting a large amount of pressure on basement and garage walls.

Soil Pressure Causes Walls to Lean in Grand Marais, MN
Most foundation issues stem from soil conditions. Over time, the concrete walls of this garage have begun to bow.

Bowing Walls in Grand Marais, MN
Unfortunately, bowing walls don't get better with time. The owners wanted to permanently stabilize these garage walls before they worsensed.

GeoLock™ Installation is Complete
This garage's walls are now stabilized and the owners can move forward with their plans of converting it into a workshop space.

GeoLock™ on Bowing Wall
These wall plates are connected to the earth anchors in the ground. Over time, they will be tightened during dry seasons, restoring the wall to its original position.

8 Earth Anchors Installed
The earth anchor installation has begun. As you can see, long rods connect the earth anchors to the interior of the garage walls.

Wall Stabilization Finished
Our crew backfilled the soil on top of the earth anchors. The garage is now permanently stabilized.