Photo Album: Drafty and Cold Home in Duluth, MN Insulated with Tru-Soft™ cellulose
This Duluth, MN home had insufficient insulation in the walls. This lead to drafty conditions in the entire home as well as issues with ice dams in the wintertime. Looking for a permanent solution to make their home more comfortable year-round, they reached out to DBS for a permanent solution.
DBS Design Specialist Austin Burley is an expert in our Dr. Energy Saver® whole-home comfort services. Upon visiting the home, he provided a free, no-obligation estimate. After inspecting the property and conducting an energy audit, it was determined that air sealing and blown-in insulation were necessary to effectively seal and insulate the space.
DBS Foreman Orrin Sundberg and his insulation crew began this project by first carefully removing portions of the home's siding. They then cut holes and inserted a hose into the walls to commence a project called dense packing. Our crew blew-in our TruSoft™ cellulose into the wall cavities on top of the existing fiberglass insulation. TruSoft™ has a higher R-value than fiberglass and other cellulose materials and will work wonders to protect the space.Once completed, our team plugged the holes and replaced the siding.
Drafty Home in Duluth, MN
This homeowner wanted a solid solution for improved insulation in their home. They contacted DBS to schedule a free estimate for the work.
Removed siding and holes drilled
Our team carefully removed the siding and drilled holes to access the framing.
Entire backside of home to be reinsulated
Our team will dense pack these walls of the home on top of the existing fiberglass batting insulation.
Blow-in Insulation with pressurized hose
This hose is connected to our insulation crew's truck. The hose pulls from a supply of loose cellulose and is pressurized.
Tru-Soft™ Cellulose treated with borate
The paper is treated with borate -- a harmless, antiseptic used in eye washes and similar household applications -- to inhibit mold growth and deter pests.
DBS Team Installs TruSoft Cellulose
Our team member is feeding the hose into the wall cavity and densely packing it with cellulose.