Cracked and Shifting Foundation Block Wall in Eau Claire, WI
Shifting soil conditions around your home's foundation can cause big structural threats over time.

Water Damage in Eau Claire, WI Basement
It is common for water intrusion to follow foundation issues. Our team will install an interior waterproofing system and wall repair system to restore this home.

Wet, Damp Basement's Affect Air Quality
This foundation wall also has signs of water. Moist conditions in your crawl space or basement affect the humidity levels and air quality throughout the rest of your living space.

PowerBrace™ Beams Going Here
PowerBraces will support these bowing basement walls. These steel I-beam supports work to push leaning walls back outward, back to their original position.

Footing for PowerBrace
Our team connects PowerBrace support beams to the ceiling joists and the concrete footing.

CleanSpace® and WaterGuard® Work Together in Eau Claire, WI
This Aitkin, MN basement has CleanSpace® vapor barrier installed on the walls. This will collect any water leaks and moisture and direct it downward into the WaterGuard® french drain system.

Basement Waterproofing and Foundation Support Complete in Eau Claire, WI
The basement waterproofing crew is finished with this installation in Duluth, MN. The homeowner now has an overall healthier home now that the water issues were addressed.

WaterGuard® Along Basement Perimeter
Interior drain tile collects any water seepage at the footing of your foundation and directs it to your basement's sump pump.

TripleSafe™ Sump Pump Protects Against Basement Flooding
TripleSafe™ sump pump Two pumps handle up to 6,200 gallons of water an hour and a third pump is powered using a battery backup and turns on in the case of a power outage.

Discharge Line with IceGuard
Here, our team rebuilt the sump pump discharge line, fitting it with IceGuard to allow water to exit the discharge line even in the event of freezing temperatures and a clogged discharge line.