Leaky Basement in Augusta, WI
It is easy to see that this basement has water issues. Concerned for the health of their foundation and home, they contacted DBS for a free, no-obligation estimate for the work.

Heaving Blocks in Foundation Wall
It is common for foundation block walls to separate and push inward. This creates structural issues and allows for water to leak into the home.

Leaking and Cracking Foundation in Augusta, WI
This homeowner wanted a permanent solution to their cracking and leaking foundation wall. After periods of heavy rainfall, water would make its way into the basement, leaving a huge mess.

Bowing Foundation Wall in Augusta, WI
Our Design Specialist found significant bowing in this basement wall. Our team will install Carbon Armor Wall Defense straps here.

WaterGuard Surrounded with Gravel
Our team installs aggregate rock around the drain tile to encourage water to enter the drainage system.

Carbon Armor Tucks Behind WaterGuard
CarbonArmor® has been installed on this wall. This product sits flush on the wall and offers support 10-times stronger than steel.

WaterGuard® Along the Perimeter of this Augusta, WI Basement
DBS recommends installing WaterGuard® around the entire perimeter of the basement in order to fully protect the basement.

WaterGuard® Connects to Sump Pump
Any water collected by the interior drain tile is delivered to this sump pump.

GeoLock Foundation Support
This is one of four wall plates that we installed in this basement. The wall will not experience further movement and during dry periods, the bolt on the inside can be tightened to straighten the wall back to its original position.

GeoLock Earth Anchors Installed in Augusta, WI
The earth anchors are installed in the ground away from the foundation. They are connected to the wall plates on the interior basement walls with long, galvanized steel rods.

Carbon Armor stops wall movement
CarbonArmor® prevents any bowing future from occurring on this wall.

SingleSafe™ Sump Pump Installed
This pump is a heavy-duty 1/3 horsepower (HP) cast-iron Zoeller pump that can handle up to 2,600 gallons of water per hour.