Water Damage in Spooner, WI Basement
You can see water stains on these basement walls and floors. Prolonged water intrusion in the basement not only damages personal property, but it can also lead to structural damage.

Cracked and Leaking Basement Walls in Spooner, MN
When these homeowners began renovating their basement, they notice some concerning cracks and wetness on their foundation walls.

New Concrete Applied to Conceal Drain
Our team covers the drain with concrete, for a seamless look. In the bottom lefthand side of the photo, you can see a small outlet. This allows access for cleaning the drain in the case of excess sediment build-up.

DBS Design Specialist Measures Cracking and Bowing
Upon inspection, our Design Specialist thoroughly measured the foundation wall positions to diagnose any signs of foundation failure.

WaterGuard® Installed Along the Basement Perimeter
This interior waterproofing system allows water to enter via inlet holes. The drain then allows water to flow to the basement sump pump.

WaterGuard® Perimeter Drain Tile
DBS recommends installing WaterGuard® along the entire perimeter of the basement to allow for maximum protection of the space.

New Sump Pump and Discharge Line
The WaterGuard® drain system connects to a brand new sump pump and discharge line, carrying water up and out of the home.