Water Damage in Duluth, MN Basement
When water is present in the basement, it is difficult to rely on that space for storage or living space. Ensuring your basement is protected against water is a must before going ahead with any basement remodeling plans.

Paint Chipping Sign of Water in Duluth, MN Basement
When condensation and water penetrate walls, it causes the paint to chip. This area of the basement in Duluth, MN has the most evidence of water intrusion.

Wet Basement in Duluth, MN
This 120-year-old home had issues with water leaking into the basement during periods of heavy rains and snowmelt. (The feline resident is supervising the inspection. It turns out that cats don't like water in the basement either!)

Sump Pump Basin is Installed
The DBS waterproofing team chipped the concrete in this corner to install the new sump pump. Typically, our Design Specialist finds the lowest part of the basement, where water will naturally flow.

Sump Basin Installed with Discharge Line
The discharge line connects to the sump pump and will direct water up and out of the home.

Interior Waterproofing Drain in Duluth, MN
After the drain is laid, the space around it is filled with pebble gravel to encourage the flow of water into the drain itself via inlet holes.

WaterGuard® Designed to Navigate Corners
WaterGuard® is designed to be cut and shaped to snake around corners, curving walls, and important basement utilities.

WaterGuard® Cleaning Ports
The small port seen in the lower center of the photo is used to access the drain for cleaning. In some cases, water brings lots of sediment into the drain system. Unlike typical French drain systems, the DBS system can be cleared of sediment build-up.

WaterGuard® Installed and Concrete Replaced
After our crew successfully installs the french drain system, they seal it with concrete, concealing the entire drain system.

Duluth, MN Basement is Protected Against Flooding
This drain system will effectively capture wall and floor seepage before it reaches the basement floor.

Sump Discharge on Home's Exterior
Once the soil has thawed fully, our team will bury the discharge line and outlet far away from the home's foundation.