Ice Dams in Superior, WI
Most attic insulation loses its R-value overtime. This batting insulation is no longer doing its job for this Superior, WI family home.

Ice Dams Leak Through Roof in Superior, WI
Ice dams build up in the winter time and once they thaw, can cause a host of water issues. In this case, water was leaking through the roof, into the attic and through to the home's upper level.

Uninsulated Knee Wall
Knee walls are common when attics have been partially converted into living space. The left wall is shared with by the open attic and the room on the other side of it. Not sealing this space means that warm air is going to escape via the kneel wall.

Failing Attic Insulation in Superior, WI
Old attic insulation means that heat is able to escape from the home during winter months. This leads to large amounts of energy loss for the entire home. You'll also see that warm air coming into contact with the cold roof, created moisture and some mildew on the wood material here.

Insulation Removed, Ready for Air Sealing
Our team removed the existing insulation in this Superior home. From there, they installed 1 inch of spray foam to the attic floor to properly air seal the space.

Knee Wall Access Protected
In order to ensure that warm air would not leak out via the knee wall, our team installed a barrier of SilverGlo™.

Knee Wall Insulated with Spray Foam
This space is now protected from the free flow of warm air to the cold outside.

18 inches of Cellulose
After applying spray foam to the roof deck, our team applied 18 inches of Tru-Soft™ cellulose.

SilverGlo™ Scuttle Cover
This scuttle cover was constructed using our SilverGlo™ insulation and will provide a tight seal to the upper attic.