WaterGuard® Collects and Carries Water
Our team fit the WaterGuard® drainage system into trenches along the perimeter of the basement. Once water reached the drainage system, it flows into the new basement sump pump.

Wall Restoration Complete in Roseville, MN
Now that the walls are finished, the carpeting will go back in and the homeowners can have their basement back!

Damaged Dry Wall Removed
After our teams removed the water-damaged drywall, it was clear that water had been seeping in through the foundation wall. The white residue seen on the foundation blocks is called efflorescence. It is the substance that is left after water evaporates.

Wall Restoration in Progress
A DBS carpenter restored the lower half of this wall once the waterproofing system is in place.

Water Damage in Roseville, MN Basement
Any below-grade space is susceptible to water intrusion. As the soil absorbs water, it often makes its way into our basement.

Messy Conditions in Basement
The homeowner in Roseville, MN was dealing with water in the basement after heavy rainfall. They pulled up the carpeting and resorting to using a shop vac to help remove large amounts of water.

Dry Storage Room Prone to Water
White residue on this storage room floor indicates that water has been present and since evaporated.