Concrete Lifting and Leveling In Duluth, MN
PolyLevel® has restored this sinking garage slab to level. There was a large gap between the concrete and door before DBS arrived.

PolyLevel® and NexusPro® Repair Sinking Concrete In Duluth, MN
This photo shows a garage floor after it was lifted and leveled by DBS Repair. PolyLevel® is a lightweight injected foam that lifts and levels with ease. This is more effective than traditional mudslacking and is installed with a 5-year warranty!

PolyLevel® Install Photo In Duluth, MN
This photo shows the process of leveling a garage slab. Multiple dime-sized holes are cut into the concrete and PolyLevel® is injected. Once completed the holes are barely visible and the concrete is set back to level.

Before Photo - Duluth, MN Garage Concrete Needs Repair
This before photo shows cracked and sinking concrete in Duluth, MN. Our concrete specialist Steve created a custom solution for this home.

After Photo - NexusPro® and PolyLevel® Work Together In Duluth, MN
This photo shows a garage floor after PolyLevel® was installed. A few dime-sized holes are visible in this photo and cracks have been sealed with NexusPro®.