Cracked and Leaking Foundation in Duluth, MN
A stair step crack is seen here which is indicative of wall bowing.

Water Damage in Duluth, MN Basement
This basement was experiencing water leaking due to cracks in the foundation wall. This caused damage to he wall paneling.

Duluth, MN Basement Unusable
Homeowners were hoping to convert the basement to a home office and extra bedroom, but the water issues were holding them back.

Leaking Exterior Wall
This wall was the target of our Design Specialist. Upon inspection, he determined there was significant bowing so he prescribed a wall straightening.

Water Damage at Rim Joists and Wall
Here the water damage affected the ceiling and wall panels in this Duluth, MN basement room.

White Residue Indicated Water
White stains present on this foundation wall is a tell-tale sign of water that was present and has since evaporated.

Excavated Outside for Wall Straightening
After our crews excavated the wall and performed an instant wall straightening procedure, we also applied a SentySeal waterproofing membrane for further protection on this portion of wall.

PowerBrace™ Steel I-beams Installed Around Perimeter
the DBS Foreman and crew installed steel I-beams as a part of our PowerBrace wall support system.

GeoLock™ Installation is Complete
These wall plates are connected to anchors in the earth by a long, galvanized steel rod. This rod will be tightened over time to correct the wall bowing.

GeoLock Earth Anchors
These two Earth Anchors connect with the GeoLock Wall Plates on the inside of the home.

WaterGuard Install in Duluth, MN
Our teams chip away at the concrete footing to installed the drain below floor level.

WaterGuard Install in Process
The drain tile is surrounded with rock to promote proper drainage into the system.

WaterGuard® Stretches from Room to Room
This basement's perimeter is lined with WaterGuard. It's designed to capture water via inlet holes that will connect to the home's sump pump.

PowerBrace™ Steel I-Beams
These PowerBraces are anchored to the basement concrete as rim joists. Over time, they will be tightened to full restore the walls to their original positions.

After Water Guard and PowerBraces
These two systems will thoroughly protect this Duluth, MN home going forward.