Basement Flooding in Esko, MN
These homeowners were seeing issues with water particularly after spring thawing and heavy rains. Looking for a permanent solution, they decided to upgrade their waterproofing system.

Dehumidifiers in the Basement to Eliminate Extra Moisture
The homeowners were actively trying to combat the moisture and musty smells from their basement by using multiple dehumidifiers.

Partially Waterproofing System Installed
This Basement had a partial waterproofing system present when we arrived. The homeowners wanted to extend protection to the entire basement and contacted DBS.

Water Leaking into Esko, MN Basement
This home has sustained some water damage due to periodic basement flooding.

Measuring the New Discharge Line Placement
Our team measures to accurately place the sump pump discharge line, so that it efficiently carries water up and away from the home's foundation.

Discharge Line Fitted with LawnScape™ Outlet
The discharge line was finished with our LawnScape™ outlet and is meant to evenly disperse water away from the home. In the background is also our IceGuard® outlet that will effectively disperse water in the case of a wintertime freeze-up further down the discharge line.

WaterGuard® Designed to Collect Water During Heavy Rainfall
Designed to capture water seepage through walls and leaks along the wall and floor joint, this drain system effectively captures wall and floor seepage before it reaches your basement floor. Water enters the system via inlet holes and flows through the drainage pipe to your sump pump.

WaterGuard® Around Perimeter of the Basement
Our team finished the install by sealing in the drain system with new concrete.

WaterGuard® Install Complete
Because water was seeping through the floor due to hydrostatic pressure, our team also installed a section of drain through the middle portion of the basement floor.

Sump Pump Installed
All the water carried from the drain tile system will be pumped up and out of the house via this new sump pump.