PowerBrace™ System Installed Along Perimeter Walls In Duluth, MN
PowerBrace™ support beams are installed along the perimeter of this basement in Duluth, MN to permanently stabilize the bowing foundation. These walls will not crack or bow now that the PowerBrace™ beams are installed.

After Photo - Stabilized Foundation
This foundation has been stabilized and any exterior work is completely hidden.

PowerBrace™ 75-Year Warranty
PowerBrace™ wall support beams are installed with a 75-year nationally backed fully transferable warranty.

PowerBrace™ Tightening System
Over time our PowerBrace™ wall support system is tightened in an attempt to bring the now stable walls back to level. This progress is benchmarked during annual maintenance appointments.

Excavation To Reduce Soil Pressure
This photo shows exterior earth removed to reduce pressure and allow wall straightening. We don't always need to excavate but in some cases, it helps straightening occur immediately.

Before Photo - Cracked Failing Walls
This photo shows cracked and bowing walls in need of help. DBS has permanent solutions for homes with foundation settlement.