Before Photo - Cracking Walls Due To Soil Pressure Increasing
Expanding soils have caused increased pressure on the foundation walls of this home.

PowerBrace™ Beams Installed Along Perimeter Bowing Walls
PowerBrace™ support beams are installed along the perimeter of this basement in Duluth, MN to permanently stabilize the bowing foundation. These walls will not crack or bow now that the PowerBrace™ beams are installed.

PowerBrace™ Beams Stabilize Cracked Walls In Duluth, MN
PowerBrace™ wall support beams are installed along different sections of walls to permanently stabilize cracked and bowing foundations.

PowerBrace™ Tightening System
Over time our PowerBrace™ wall support system is tightened in an attempt to bring the now stable walls back to level. This progress is benchmarked during annual maintenance appointements.

PowerBrace™ Stops Wall Cracking In Duluth, Minnesota
This wall was in danger of severe bowing which can be irreversible if left untreated. It has been made permanently stable by installing Supportworks PowerBrace™ wall support beams.

Foundational Wall Stabilized In Duluth, Minnesota
This photo shows multiple PowerBrace™ wall support beams working together to stabilize this basement foundation.

PowerBrace™ Install Process
PowerBrace™ PowerBrace™ wall support beams are anchored to the floor to permanently stabilize bowing walls.

Bowing Walls Stabilized Using PowerBrace™ Wall Support Beams
These bowing walls will not crack or bow further. Over time this will be tightened in an attempt to bring the wall back to level.

Before Photo - Cracked Walls
These walls were cracked and bowing in need of serious help when DBS arrived!