Before Photo - Cracked Walls In Maple Grove, MN
This home in Maple Grove was experiencing wall failure when DBS arrived.

Before Photo - Excavation
This photo shows where dirt will be removed to install GeoLock™ earth anchors.

IceGuard® Prevents Water From Freezing During Discharge
This photo shows IceGuard® working to prevent freezing from occurring.

GeoLock™ Installed In Maple Grove, MN Basement
GeoLock™ earth anchors are installed and will not allow this to crack further.

GeoLock™ Wall Anchors Installed Together To Stabilize
GeoLock™ anchors are installed along the perimeter of bowing foundation walls to permanently stabilize the failing foundation.

GeoLock™ Earth Anchors Are Tightened Over Time
GeoLock™ earth anchors are tightened over time and straighten bowing walls. This progress is benchmarked during annual maintenance appointments.

Excavation Is Complete
GeoLock™ anchors are connected with long rods to the outside of a home. These long steel connection points are tightened to correct wall failure.

Multiple Earth Anchors Installed In Maple Grove, MN
Multiple earth anchors are connected together. This system stabilizes and corrects further bowing.

GeoLock™ Install Process
This photo shows the connected GeoLock™ ready to be covered with dirt. This system is completely hidden from the outside.