Sump Pumps Need Regular Tune-Ups
Sump pumps that are processing iron ochre need to be constantly monitored to ensure that this pesky bacteria doesn't clog up the system. Our service techs are available to perform annual and as-needed routine cleaning of sump pumps to keep them healthy and working hard for your basement.

Iron Ochre Build-up in Park Point Basement
This Duluth, MN home is located on Park Point in Duluth, MN where there is a high concentration of iron ochre in the water.

Iron Ochre is a Bacteria
Iron ochre is a naturally occurring bacteria that is not hazardous to your health, but it can quickly clog a french drain system.

Rust-Colored Residue in Duluth, MN
This rust-colored residue is left after water with iron ochre has evaporated. Iron ochre is foul-smelling, and leaves stains wherever it has been.

WaterGuard® Iron Ochre System
Our solution for iron ochre is a drain system where the drain lid can be removed and easily cleaned.

Drainage Matting Over Aggregate
Our team laid down drainage matting and raised the floor a few inches to allow for better drainage throughout the entire basement.

Concrete Poured
After the aggregate material and drainage matting were installed, our team poured new concrete to raise the floor.

CleanSpace® Wall Poly in Duluth, MN Basement
CleanSpace® Wall Poly will guide any moisture from the walls into the drain system below it.

TripleSafe™ Sump Pump Installed
This TripleSafe™ Sump system has two pumps as well as a battery backup pump in case of a power outage.