CleanSpace® Waterproofing Vapor Barrier Installed In Duluth, MN
CleanSpace® is preventing moisture from entering through the walls in this Park Point home. Combined with WaterGuard® the homeowners will never have to worry about standing water or emptying the system.

SmartJack® Support Beam Replaces Rotting Wooden Beam In Park Point, Duluth, MN
This SmartJack® telescoping support beam is installed under the concrete in this home and can be adjusted as the home shifts over time.

TripleSafe™ Sump Pump System
The TripleSafe™ sump pump system has been installed and connected with the WaterGuard® subfloor drainage system. WaterGuard® has three separate back up systems that can remove 6,200 gallons of water per day.

SmartJack® Support Beams Work Together To Stabilize Duluth, MN Home
The floors on the main level of this home were sagging and unlevel when DBS arrived. These SmartJack® support beams have replaced the existing wooden supports that were beginning to fail. This system has a telescoping connection point and can be adjusted over time as the house shifts.

WaterGuard® Access Ports
WaterGuard® has multiple ports that allow access to the track in case an issue occurs.

Iron Ochre Waterproofing System Installed In Duluth, Minnesota
WaterGuard® is a subfloor french drainage system designed and modified to protect against iron ochre.

Before Photo - Existing Sump Pump
This sump pump was not strong enough to handle the amount of water in this Park Point home.

Before Photo - Rough Walls
These walls had water damage and have worn down over time. CleanSpace® will waterproof and give this space a new look.

Visible Water In Park Point Home
This basement had standing water when we arrived. We had the permanent solution to this waterproofing problem!