Foundation Blocks Shifting
Over time shifting foundations can put pressure on individual cement blocks, causing leaking and wall damage.

Significant Cracking in Grand Rapids, MN
This crack follows the block joints and also cracks through the individual bricks here.

PowerBrace™ Wall Bracing System
PowerBrace™ steel I-beams are secured to the floor and ceiling rim joist, to be tightened over time.

PowerBrace™ Wall Bracing System
Four PowerBrace™ beams were installed in total.

Stair Step Crack
This type of crack is common for block foundations, and can lead to extensive cracking and shifting in the wall, not mention water issues.

More Cracking and Wall Damage
CarbonArmor® Wall Reinforcing System to be installed on this wall.

CarbonArmor® Installed
These CarbonArmor® wall straps were installed here and will prevent the wall from further movement.

Grand Rapids, MN Crawl Space Lacks Support
Cinder blocks are currently holding up the crawl space but have shifted, leaving the home unsupported in many areas.

SmartJack® System Installed
6 SmartJack® support beams were installed in this crawl space.