Closed Cell Spray Foam In Makinen, Minnesota
Closed cell spray foam is applied 3" inches thick and is airtight along the joists in this attic.

Before Photo Old Insulation Is Not Effective
This photo shows the previous insulation. This was not effective against rising heating and cooling costs.

Before Photo - Insulation Is Hanging
This insulation was not properly adhered to the roof deck and is now allowing outdoor air to enter this home.

Rim Joist Insulation In Makinen, Minnesota
This home now has proper insulation along its roof deck and rim joists.

Closed Cell Spray Foam And Knee Wall
This knee wall is now protected from drafts thanks to closed cell insulation.

Air Quality Increase By Dr. Energy Saver®
Closed cell spray foam reduces humid outdoor air entering during summer which means less condensation and humidity inside this home.

Airtight Attic In Makinen, Minnesota
This attic is now airtight thanks to closed cell spray foam! Outdoor air will no longer enter this home which will make temperature regulation cheaper and more effective.

Small Crawl Space Entrance
This small entrance is no problem for our DBS Foremen and their production crews. We do work in tight attics all the time!

Before Photo - Old Insulation
This home was equipped with R-19 fiberglass insulation before DBS installed closed cell spray foam. This lighter insulation was not holding up during our cold Minnesota winters.

Tricky Areas and Closed Cell Spray Foam
Closed cell spray foam is an effective solution for tight attics and crawl spaces. It does not have to be cut and fitted, which allows our production crews speed and precision when installing in tight areas like between joists.