These Pipes Are Not Protected
This crawl space has had problems with pipes freezing due to a lack of insulation.

Joists Not Insulated
Heat escapes from joists that are not properly insulated.

Failing Insulation
This photo shows the previous insulation was not installed properly and has fallen.

Window and Joists Not Properly Insulated
This window and the joists are not properly insulated. Spray foam will fix this problem.

Spray Foam Between Joists
Heat was escaping between joists because the previous insulation was not properly fitted.

Window Made Weather Proof
This window now has insulation along its sides and up to the window seams. This was a problematic area before spray foam was applied.

Spray Foam Protects Crawl Space
This window no longer allows cold air to enter or heat to escape.

Spray Foam Along Joists
Closed cell spray foam is a great option to insulate tricky areas like joists.

Spray Foam and Existing Wires
Spray foam does not damage or impact wires, pipes or existing structural components.

Spray Foam and Pipes
Spray foam can be applied over pipes on a wall without altering their functionality.

Before Shot of Old Insulation
This crawl space previously had insufficient insulation.