Beginning Stages of Wall Failure
This basement wall is in the beginning stages of failure. Bowing is starting due to increased soil pressure over a period of many years.

PowerBrace® Wall Braces Permanently Stabilize Failing Walls in Cohasset, MN
PowerBrace® Wall Braces permanently stabilize and prevent future bowing to occur. This system has a 75 year warranty!

PowerBrace® Wall Beams Hard At Work in Cohassett, MN
PowerBrace® Wall Beams are placed along the perimeter of the basement to keep this home stable and safe. They immediately stabilize the area and prevent damage from increasing.

Wall Failure Covered By Paint
This wall has a coat of paint that is disguising the wall cracking and bowing. Over time this wall will completely fail without additional support being installed.

PowerBrace® Beams Are Minimally Invasive
PowerBrace® Wall Support Beams are flat against the wall and won't take away from useable space.