Photo Album: Push Pier Installation Progression in Britt, MN
A homeowner in Britt, MN was trying to find better support for their garage foundation, and reached out to DBS for assistance. They had a Design Specialist come out and provide a free, no-obligation inspection and estimate of the area for our foundation repair service. It was determined that the garage would have push piers installed around the edge. These piers are capable of supporting massive loads and are an ideal product for home foundation support. This gallery will showcase a few of the steps taken by our crew during the installation process.
Pre-Installation Photo
Here shows one of the areas of the garage in need of foundation support.
Push Piers Installed
We see the push piers installed below the surface of the concrete, helping to maximize the stabilization of the area.
Push Piers Covered
Afterward, the crew fills in the open areas with new concrete.