Photo Album: Concrete Wall Stabilization in Motley, MN
A homeowner in Motley, MN was experiencing strcutural issues with their concrete basement wall, and they reached out to DBS for some assistance. After thorough inspection, it was determined that the best way to go about the stabilization of the wall was to install the CarbonArmor® Wall Reinforcing System. This is comprised of carbon fiber strips that are installed vertically along the wall, and work to support any failing foundation walls. The product installation can be viewed in this album.
Pre-Installation Photo
Here is one area of the basement wall that needed serious stabilization to prevent further damages to the overall structure.
CarbonArmor® Installation
The same area as the previous, after the installation of the CarbonArmor® Wall Reinforcing System.
Second Installation Area
Though there were some obstacles to work around, DBS was able to successfully complete the CarbonArmor® installation process.