Photo Album: Large Waterproofing Project in Hermantown, MN
A homeowner in Hermantown, MN reached out to DBS regarding our basement waterproofing service. The basement was composed of concrete flooring and block walls, which overtime can give way to unwanted outside materials (such as water). After thorough inspection, it was decided that the basement area would need to have several waterproofing projects installed (WaterGuard®, CleanSpace®, TripleSafe™) to achieve maximum waterproofing efficiency. Along with that, the small crawl space area of home also recieved CleanSpace® as well as a portion of spray foam insulation.
Prior to Waterproofing Service
Here is the basement with concrete block walls and flooring prior to the service from DBS.
CleanSpace® and WaterGuard® Installation
Here shows the CleanSpace® wall covering along the concrete foundation wall, along with WaterGuard® siting at the base of the foundation.
Crawl Space Area Prior to CleanSpace®
This photo shows the crawl space prior to the CleanSpace® installation.
CleanSpace® Installed in Crawl Space
CleanSpace® vapor barrier and spray foam insulation.